We live in the most wonderful country on earth. These politicians here, and elsewhere, truly do have only one thing to fear... WE THE PEOPLE, you saw an example of that yesterday! The proof is in the pudding, its really that simple. All we need to do, from here on out, is to stand by those very principals that our founding fathers, and mothers laid out for the fairness of all, and stay vigilant in every way to prevent complacency from taking hold ever again.
Yesterday wasn't just a victory for the people of Massachusetts, it was a victory for all the people around the world, who truly believe in those same liberties and principals that created such indelible rights to the citizens of a great Republic that caught the attentions of so many millions of hearts, and imaginations, base on, them seeking a better way of life for themselves, and their families to come.
First of all, know and understand, that these right come from God! and God only!... not by any politician,or any government This is how our founding Fathers and Mothers meant for it to be. Law, and fairness designed in the interest of equality for all! Are you getting what I"M SAYING HERE?...KEEP IT SIMPLE,... there are thousands of lawyers and legislators out there to confuse you on this, and are spending a lot of money time, to indoctrinate us, and our children, while working on issues[special interest] with strategies that are purposely designed to confuse ,and disrupt the natural flow of our Democracy, AND FOR WHAT REASONS? KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE AHEAD OF THEM, AT THEIR OWN GAME !to name a couple... personal gain,[party] greed, [ where someone would sell his, or her own grandmother] for prosperity.
I've always been proud of this country! and yes, I have had some natural manifestations of anger along the way at times, and probably cussed her a few times, and maybe more than some, but! I didn't ask any ole president, or congressman, or senator to forgive me , I asked God to forgive me. You see, they too, are only citizens here in this great Republic of ours, and the only difference is... they work for us ...we don't work for them, and I don't want them to come to me for forgiveness, I want them to go to God for that too.
When you find people like this while out and about, feeling the same way you do in this regard, then I say to them ... "have you ever consider running for an elected office? It usually sparks a pretty interesting conversation, and you'll be surprised where it will lead you..." isn't that right Justin Downs?"
Any how! I know you get my drift here, so I won't spend anymore time on this. I would like to say congratulations to all the people of Massachusetts, and the Republic, for a very fine showing of the peoples strength and power, and for getting out in all that adverse weather to cast their ballots, and a special thanks to Scott Brown for sticking to A truthful, and a honest campaign, and his ole truck! I know in my heart of hearts, you all have made a few great men ,and women very happy on this momentous day in history, much like that, of their own movement in history. The likes of; John Quincy Adams, Samuel Adams, Betsy Ross, James Madison, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson ,George Washington, Ben Franklin, John Jay, Alexandria Hamilton, just to mention a few. God Bless you all, and I know they are smiling down on you from where they are. Thank You God, and Bless us all.
At Twitter, a single point of failure for freedom
All is not well in social media Musk-land!
21 hours ago