"Now I know why the leftist Commies hate you so much!" Its not because of your faith in God, and, nor is it because of your political stance... its because you have brought back the teachings of history. History, that they have worked so feverishly on, deluding, and or, abolishing. Do you hear this America? This man[Beck] is being chastised for ... See Moreteaching history! Do you really understand the magnitude of this? Do we fully understand what Beck has done here?We're talking about an educational reversal which has a hundred year history to it,in the making. The Commies have spent the last 100 years through the education system in this country to covertly change the lessons learned regarding all the great events that transpired throughout history that made us the most Exceptional Country on the face of the earth! How? you might ask did this happen. Spinning, smokescreens, diversions.Awareness, sleep... "yeah, that's the one that really got us"Taxing our lives to Sleep" taxing our patience,taxing our time, taxing our jobs,our fun,our food,our children,our beliefs,hiways,land,real property, our ambitions.We have damn near been taxed to death, and wait until you see the taxes there. Just remain oblivious ,and see where the next hundred years take us. We are the reason... and WE THE PEOPLE are the salvation of this Nation Under God. God Bless Us all, and especially Glen Beck for his teachings! Stay vigilant. http://wwwrobertsrightcom. blogspot.com/