I took my doctor[ of fifteen years] fishing on the the Big Horn River here in Montana a couple of weeks ago . While adrift on one of America's top Blue Ribbon Trout rivers, we had this conversation. I asked my Doc..." how long have we known each other now?" He said... "I guess going on fifteen years there about".... then I said "That's about right." So then I said... "Doc, would you consider us to be pretty good friends?... He said..." sure." Then I went on to ask him things, important things, like..." what constitutes solidarity between friends like us, and others as far as that goes?" He answered with this...." Open dialogue, with honesty, and concern for each other, and being there for each other when needed." I find that my doctor, and my very good friend in the same, to be an open, and honest friend that I would take a bullet for if needed. Without any question, I proclaim him to be this kind of friend to me. You see, I tell him everything, that of a patient, or as a friend would divulge depending on the case at the time.
Later on during our excursion, my friend asked me if there was something bothering me. I slowly answer..." Yeah, there are quite a few things bothersome these days, and one in particular is the Health Care Issue, coming down from D.C." From there, I asked the questions bothering me the most, and in particular, regarding the ones talked about while visiting my doctor, and friend, at his office during an examination. Especially the information written down in my records. He inquired more, so I obliged him with my concerns, and cut to the chase. I told my friend,and doctor, that I was very concerned about my records being turned over to the Feds for any reason. I also asked if the things discussed in his office were as confidential as the things discussed on the river. He replied... "most certainly" I said "thank you, and I truly respect that."
I went on to explain to him that I knew all his answers to all my very worrisome questions towards him, but, that I needed to ask them just the same. You see, I was having a hard time getting to my point, and I didn't quite know how. He's my friend, and how do you say to your friend that you might have to sue him if he violates our Doctor-Patient Confidentiality agreement?
I went on with agreement that I know nothing about the law, and he knows me well enough to acknowledge the same regarding his own awkward position on this , as he put it like this... "what are you worried about...and, are we not friends...do we not share things that we wouldn't share with others, including our wives?" My answer was a definite "yes"... and went on to tell him that I would have to sue him , and the clinic he works for, if they turn over my records to the Federal Government. He said "Great! It's about time someone took the bull by the horn, and stood up for their Constitutional Rights regarding this Heath Care BULLSHIT!
I felt like the world had been lifted from my shoulders. To make a longer story shorter, we went on to have a great day on the river, and caught, and released about fifty beautiful Rainbow and Brown Trout that great day on the river, with a friend that I'm proud to call Doc.
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