I can truly see that you don't get what a true conservative is! I won't pretend that I am one,and, what I am, is not even uniquely similar. They, for the most part believe in peace, from their christian upbringing. I , on the other hand don't believe in peace when bullshit rhetoric is purposely thrown into the mix things to confuse and distort ... See Morethe truths of the founding fathers. Call it what you want, but its still bullshit no matter how you view it. Do you know what that white stuff in chicken shit is[you know the stuff surrounded with the brownishgreen stuff?] well its chickenshit too! You can harp about conservatism all you want, but I remember when you told me once yourself, that it was time for a third party, because lack of bipartisanship. Do you remember this? And do you really want God removed from this equation. I know you're intelligent enough to know, that this is the main reasons for their existence,To destroy a faith in God, and , a Lord Christ,which Thomas Jefferson himself warned the congress, and his constituents about, upon returning home from France during the French Revolution. This came from the Liberal, of all liberals. Even Thomas Payne[ an atheist] returned from the same dire situation in France and reported the same. You can not draft a constitution without foremost, a faith in God. So with God as the main stay of our Constitution, and Bill of Rights, they did with the consensus of all of the people. Then,and for now, created the most prefect nation on earth. If you dispute this, then please stand up and be recognized for who you are, and be proud of who you are,after all, they created this wonderful document for all, including the Commnuist of this country. Maybe MCarthy was right! That's all he wanted,a head count, so that they couldn't confuse the elector, or so the American people would know who, or what they were voting for. Unlike this administration! MCarthy wanted transparency, he was warning the people of this nation of their existence, and of their rhetoric, and the movies they were making that where anti American then. Like the ones I warn all my friends and love ones about now. Its a dog chasing its tail! you're either for America, or else you're against her, which is it, because all we are doing is asking, and you know the answer. I personally don't know how anyone who has children ,or grand children, can believe in a life without a belief in God! This belief in God in this country has made us the most exceptional country on earth for that very reason. As I wrote in an article on my blog, The birth of this Nation is third in its importance to all man kind, with the birth of Christ being #1, and the Death of Christ,being #2. 3rd The birth of THE UNITED SATES OF AMERICA the third most important event in the history of all man kind!!!! Do You Fucking Idiots Get This? Try for one unselfish fucking moment in your life to understand this. There are those who have died, and those who are willing to die for this. You know,you ask us to understand where you come from, and we lend an ear, we hear the same old bullshit that comes down the pike since that Communist Woodrow Wilson, you know the fella with his leftest agenda that started Social Security, and The income Tax. [ hows that shit working out !!!!!] how about that post office stuff too, yeah some real enterprising efforts there. I need to get personal now,now that you manage to piss me off ,ok? I made over 1,217,000 dollars over the last 40 years and paid in some 280,000 dollars in income alone,now you tell me which evil bastard hurt you so much that it makes you think that you deserve part of my WEALTH! Hell that s only about a 28 thousand dollar a year average, this is substandard according to OBuma. I didn't need any health care assistance in all of those 40 years, you know Why! because I had a FUCKING JOB. The only time I didn't worked was when the last Pinko Commie was in Office who was more concerned for nationalizing health care, than creating jobs...... Read History and the tell me where on earth Redistribution of Wealth has worked... tell me how that socialism is working in Iceland, Greece, France, England... better yet Russia, China, Name one Fucking Place on Earth where Socialism, Marxism. Progressivism[the new name that they didn't dare use a year and a half ago]Communism. Do you think things will be better for you in the future, should this Obuma thing work out? You know ... One World Government? Anyway... I digress. tfuc
12 minutes ago ·
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