Friday, March 19, 2010


A generation ago or longer, these same liberals that are pushing so hard to pass legislation for Obumacare, and change the law to allow the government to be able to tell us all what to do ,or not to do to our bodies. Someone help me out here please, and tell me like I'm a 5th grader[no insult intended] so that I can fully understand without any confusion at all. Weren't they the ones who fought so desperately to change a law! [ROE vs. WADE] back in 1973 so that the government would not have the right to tell anyone, what to do , or not to do, with their own body? A law in fact, that was specifically designed to stop the government from ever interfering  with the private sector, and the rights to their privacy ! Please.. anyone stop me if I have this wrong! I'm tired of the confusion, that's why I said, "tell it it to me like I'm a 5th grader" What is it?!... one or the other please. Whats it going to be. God! do hear what I'm saying down here? How can we go on  like this? I know all rights come from you, and I know it won't be easy ever, but, enough is a enough. I pray that you will jump into the hearts of all your people and guide to a world that all will understand, and open a dialogue that we all can understand. I know in my heart that all of this is an attack on you God . NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN AND WOMEN AND CHILDREN TO COME TO THE AID OF A FALLING NATION! please Americans take issue with what is wrong here. Every  mother, father, grandfather, grandmother,uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece,brother ,sister, friend, foe, needs to take responsibility for this to change. TIME IS RUNNING OUT FAST ! NONE OF US CAN SIT ON OUR ASSES ANY LONGER AND DO NOTHING! YOU MUST ACT NOW. Thank You, and God help us!

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